No drops Pathfinder Parachute Group in The Netherlands

28 jul 2020, 13:21 Market Garden News (English)
20160916 161340
Renkum Nieuws
They are sad, the Pathfinder Parachute Group UK will not jump above the drop zones in Renkum and Driel this year in The Netherlands. It is not possible for the well-known reason that has already messed up so much this year: the coronavirus.
They have tried to be able to jump this year with the round canopies like they used during WW2. It's something many members look forward to every year just like the Dutch citizens who enjoy it all from the ground.

No permission

Rob Mobsby, Jump/Operations Coordinator of the group, says on Facebook that there was already agreement from the landowners, who, as always, were looking forward to the jumps and the Dakota flying over. However, due to the restrictions on large groups of people, they are not allowed to jump on the former Dutch dropzones.
The drops have been cancelled. How sad and they will be missed by the Dutch, sow well, until next year!
