Photo report Airborne Commemoration Oosterbeek 2018

25 sep 2018, 00:25 Market Garden News (English)
airborne herdenking 2018 1
A very rainy commemoration on Sunday morning at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek. It didn't really stop anyone to come.The organisation shared wipes to dry the chairs (if no helpful military beat you to it). Also plastic rain capes were handed out.
The highlight for the veterans are the children lay flowers on the graves of their comrades.


This year they braved the rain and the cold, even no umbrella to protect them.
"Aren't they marvellous?" veteran Frank Ashleigh sighs with tears of emotion in his eyes. He must turn his head a few times so that he can see as many children as possible. The moment the children keep the flowers above their head, he finds the most beautiful. The 'wave' with the flowers he finds totally amazing.
"Sunflowers! What's with the sunflowers?" but that question does not need an answer: "They are so beautiful!"
Photo report of Henk van Loenen