British and Polish veterans receive a Dutch Christmas greeting

14 dec 2020, 9:09 Market Garden News (English)
Stichting Airborne Herdenkingen

British and Polish Arnhem and WWII veterans will again receive a joint Christmas greeting from the Netherlands for Christmas this year.

In collaboration with the Market Garden Foundation and the Driel Poland Foundation , the Airborne Commemorations Foundation from Oosterbeek sends out Christmas cards again.

Christmas greeting

The cards are sent around the world, also on behalf of all Airborne organizations, municipalities and everyone from the Airborne Region. Most veterans living in England receive their Christmas card along with a Christmas surprise from the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans .

The Taxi Charity takes the veterans all over Europe to commemorations, except this year, of course, because almost every event around the Second World War has been canceled due to corona. A bitter pill for the veterans who return every year. But the volunteers involved in the Taxi Charity continue to pay attention to the veterans.

The Market Garden Foundation, Stichting Driel Polen and Stichting Airborne Commemorations would like to thank them for their continuous support to the veterans.