Outdoor exhibition Arnhem Boys at the Airborne Museum

02 sep 2019, 8:56 Market Garden News (English)
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Photographer Richard Jopson has interviewed and captured on camera the last surviving Battle of Arnhem veterans over the past years.
In light of the 75 years Battle of Arnhem commemoration, these unique photos will be displayed near the Airborne Museum in Hartenstein park.
Arnhem Boys is a unique collection of testimonials from the last living Battle of Arnhem eye witnesses. The exhibition contains 28 photo's of veterans, all past their nineties with a review on September 1944.

Richard Jopson

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The, in New York living, British photographer worked for four years at this personal project. Since then, eleven of the portrayed veterans passed away.
"Like many children of my generation, I became interested in World War II and absorbed everything that was connected with it. The epic film 'A Bridge Too Far' from 1977 was a catalyst for a lifelong fascination with the Battle of Arnhem." says Richard.

Unique combination testimonies

Arnhem Boys is a unique compilation of testimonies of the last living witnesses of the Battle of Arnhem. The name of the project Arnhem Boys, not only connects this group of veterans, but also shows how young most of them were when they went to Arnhem.
The exhibition is free of charge and accessible from 30 August until the end of September.