Renkum has an answer to the veterans

21 sep 2021, 23:45 Market Garden News (English)
renkum herdenking 17 09 2021 dm van hellesem 46
Renkum, The Netherlands - The video withthe message from the veteransin which they stated that they much prefer to be in the Netherlands with their friends, made a great impression. The video was presented during the start of the Airborne Commemorations at the beginning of this month and was made by theTaxi Charity.
The video also made an impact in Renkum. The organisation of the Renkum Airborne also feels the absence of the veterans and thought they ought to know that.

Renkum Airborne

For the second year the Renkum Airborne could not go ahead due to corona and they had (and still have) big plans for the next Renkum Airborne, hopefully in 2022 it will get back to normal and the plans can become reality. Veterans have loved coming to the Renkum Airborne since the start and two of them unveiled the monument on the Renkumse Heath
in 2018 that commemorates the start of Operation Market Garden. They were paratrooper Steve Morgan, who died on March 20, 2019, and glider pilot Frank Ashleigh.
Since that time, a commemoration ceremony
has been held annually at 13:00 hour, on the Friday before the start of the Renkum Airborne. After the memorial service at the remembrance last Friday, preparations were made for the message to the veterans and those videos are now ready. Filmed and edited by Fred Hageman.

Short video on Facebook

Video of the remembrance
