Walking the Airborne March in the presence of British veterans

30 aug 2018, 21:51 Market Garden News (English)
The people of Renkum look forward to the 72nd Airborne March: the maroon-red Pagasusflag is risen at more places every day. There are banners on the poles by the roads, groups of people walking around training for the march and shopwindows docorated.
Getting everything ready for the March, whether you are walking 10, 40 km or you are standing along the route, the Airborne jitters have arrived.


Saturday, September 1, traditionally the 1st Saturday in September, the biggest 1-day walking tour of the world is done by thousands of people. The Ariborne March is a tribute to the more than 1700 soldiers who are buried at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek and is organized by the Politie Sportvereniging Renkum (Police Sport Society)
Many hikers therefore always make room to pay their respects and put flowers at the graves, every route runs past them.
There is also a lot of respect for the veterans still alive and also this year a few from England are coming to take the parade with the Mayor, aldermen and other (military) dignitaries to start at 11:00.
For the time being, there are ten veterans who will take place on the podium in front the Airborne Museum, opposite the public gallery.

Airborne jitters

The veterans are having the jitters too. They can't wait: the organization takes good care of them and they greatly enjoy all the people that they will meet again this year.
Frank Ashleigh, a glider pilot, is delighted. Last year he was present and via the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans he was asked to be present again this year. Saying no was not an option.
Someone who would have liked to be present is Des Page, glider pilot. He too was there last year but he died on May 15 this year. Before he died, ex-para Chris Willmott promised him that he would take his ashes with him during the walking tour.
Frank: "I was able to give my farewells to him at the crematorium, the service was beautiful and he had the send-off he deserved, carrying his ashes on the Wanderltocht is to pay a wonderful tribute to a great colleague."