The construction of the new White House, Dreyeroord starts this week

15 nov 2018, 15:15 Market Garden News (English)
By the order of Amvest, builders start this week with the construction of the new building that should arise where former hotel Dreyeroord, known as The White House stood, in Oosterbeek the Netherlands.
The unpleasant empty spot on the Graaf van Rechterenweg in Oosterbeek is finally going be filled.

In the ground

There will be about 900 meters of special steel tubes brought into the ground. On the spot will rise a building which closely resembles the Dreyeroord as it was found by the allies in September 1944. It will become a house for people who suffer from dementia.
hotel dreyerood nieuw 500x500
The care for these people is given by a couple who will live in a house attached to the new Dreyeroord but because of the use of other material and the large trees that need to remain standing, the attached House will not be not very eye-catching.
The new building will be called Dreyeroord again, the first stone and other reminders of the ancient building will be brought back.
In an earlier contact Christel van Bekkum of the builder Amvest told that among other things a number of lights will get a new place in the new building.

The White House

There is been thought more of the memories and history of Dreyeroord. The Memorial will get a prominent place and during the annual Airborne commemorations, veterans and their families are welcome.
The allies called Dreyeroord: The White House because they stumbled over the Dutch name. In September 1944 the property made part of the famous perimeter that had to be preserved during Market Garden. In and around Dreyeroord the fights were terrible, in particular by the KOSB, The Kings Own Scottish Borderers who landed with Gliders on the Landings zones.
Hundreds of allies died, got injured or were hardly able to save their own lives. Also citizens were victims.

Second battle

In June 2016 once again a battle unfolded around the beautiful and characteristic, white building. This time to maintain the property and, in particular, the Work-group Preserve Dreyeroord (now Foundation for the conservation of WWII Heritage Gelderland) made sure there was a lot of attention for the demolition . Also other foundations were strongly against. A petition started by the Work-group even brought thousands of signatures from all over the world.
It turned out The White House could not be saved, but builder Amvest sat at the drawing table again and made a new design (photo's). A design that happily surprised a lot of people. The design Amvest initially (photo) presented was not well received at all. Not really a lost battle we say.
The expected due-date is November 29, 2019. Too bad it's not ready for the 75-commemoration of the Airborne in September 2019 but at least the building is start. The biggest part of the new Dreyeroord will be ready by then.