Parachute Group Holland jumps during Market Garden 2018

08 sep 2018, 14:01 Market Garden News (English)
Parachute Group Holland

Parachute Group Holland is jumping on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of September in memory of operation Market Garden, a large-scale airborne operation during World War II.

The Memorial jumps are made from an original 75 year old C-47 Dakota.

Drag 'em Oot

With the jumps and ceremonies afterwards PGH commemorates Operation Market Garden from 1944 and all the victims that died. For these jumps the Group hires an original C-47 Dakota from England.


This Dakota, called Drag 'em Oot, made several flights in the second world war, over France during the invasion of Europe and operation Market Garden in the Netherlands.

During the three Memorial days almost 100 jumps by PGH members are made from this plane. Beneath the regular members from The Netherlands, members from England, Poland, Canada and the United States are also present.

Memorialjumps 2018

Parachute Group Holland jumps on the 21st of September at 09.30 hours in Wolfheze, Wolfhezerweg (N783) behind the Glider monument. After the jump at 12.00 hours there will be held a commemoration at the Glider monument.


On Saturday the 22nd of September the 74th anniversary on the Ginkelse Heath near Ede opens with a jump at 10.00 hours. At 14.00 hours, as closure, PGH makes the last jump of the day.

On Sunday the 23rd of September at 09.45 hours they jump on Small America (number 6-8) in Groesbeek

All jumps will be made in the original uniform, under military round domes. The times and the go ahead of the jumps are subject to weather conditions.

Parachute Group Holland

The Foundation Parachute Group Holland, shortly PGH, is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to parachuting with (military) round dome parachutes.

The Group was founded in 2008 with the goal to remember those who were dropped over occupied or hostile territory by parachute, during World War II and beyond. To keep this memory alive, during commemorations and parachute jumps PGH members wear desired clothing from the appropriate period of time.

The members are trained by PGH to make a parachute jump. The training is done by a skilled instruction group and is internationally recognised by similar parachute groups and centres. PGH also offers the possibility of demonstration jumps and information days about paratroopers during World War II.

Anyone can become a member of Parachute Group Holland

. The trainings are for men and women between 16 and 50 years old, with a weight of up to 100 kg and a medical certificate from a doctor. During the year several parachute jumps are made.